CREC TPM Network Progress Report March2021


March 22, 2021


This report discusses progress by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (Chamber Foundation) Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM) initiative and its growing network of leaders. Since the TPM® pilot in 2015, Chamber Foundation staff and partner organizations have provided in-depth training and technical assistance to hundreds of business services professionals engaged in demand-driven workforce planning.

Professionals trained in TPM through the TPM Academy® are prepared to facilitate groups of employers through six TPM strategies. A peer-to-peer learning network, national conferences, and online tools support learning and exchange after enrollment in the TPM Academy. In 2020, the Chamber Foundation supported six TPM Academy cohorts, hosted two virtual TPM National Learning Network (NLN) summits with close to 150 participants each, and organized two volunteer committees to guide action on network-wide priorities.

This network of more than 400 professionals faces new challenges now that it has grown. Chamber Foundation staff initially provided one-on-one consulting and technical assistance to TPM Academy graduates and now increasingly rely on the leadership of professionals in the field. A handful of these professionals now support advanced statewide talent management systems, and dozens lead employers through regional data collection and analysis processes to advance their TPM strategies. Many of these employer collaboratives aim to document and quantify their results and their return on investment in TPM strategies. The collaboratives have also attracted the attention of training providers seeking to advance their role in the talent supply chain. This report details this progress and recommends ways to sustain momentum.

CREC TPM Network Progress Report March2021