JE Dx Reporting Consolidation May2023


May 11, 2023


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation launched the public-private Jobs and Employment Data Exchange (JEDx) initiative to promote the consistent sharing and use of data on jobs and employment. One JEDx priority is to improve how employers report jobs and employment data to federal and state government agencies and enhance access and use of this data while protecting privacy. JEDx is exploring how to streamline government reporting in ways that improve data quality and timeliness and reduce costs through data standardization, modernization of the data collection systems through publicprivate application programming interfaces (APIs), and the consolidation of federal and state data collection systems.

Many states are exploring how to enhance state unemployment insurance (UI) data collection and minimize additional data collection costs for employers and government agencies. JEDx proposes to accomplish this by consolidating state UI data collection with related federal collection systems in multiple stages.

This report estimates the range of possible reduction of employer reporting burden that could be achieved through the first two stages of this approach and suggests next steps in further determining the potential benefits of consolidating federal and state reporting systems. It describes the approach and methodology, provides the findings, and concludes with proposed next steps.

JE Dx Reporting Consolidation May2023