T3 Network PP4 Model Roles Processes FINAL


April 08, 2020


Both data standards and the standards development organizations (SDO) that develop, set, and maintain standards have grown in quantity and use over the years. This has been especially true for data standards relevant to the dynamic talent marketplace addressed by the T3 Innovation Network (T3 Network).

The focus of this paper is the U.S. approach to standards development and its application to data standards used in the talent marketplace by education and workforce partners. This paper complements and builds on the “Public-Private Standards Development and Use by Government for the Talent Marketplace” paper by further exploring the key roles of public and private stakeholders in the standards development process including employers, government agencies, and education, training and credentialing organizations with a special focus on the role of the business owner—who represent the process owners of their organization’s work, product, or solution and anyone that has a use case important to their work. This paper outlines and explains a model approach for standards development to clarify when and how business owners and technical participants from stakeholder organizations should participate in the process to maintain the necessary balance for achieving results that matter to both public and private stakeholders.

T3 Network PP4 Model Roles Processes FINAL